Toggle Blue Light Filter (🖵🌙)

Quickly toggle a blue filter for your display to reduce blue light. You can also put the blue light filter on a customizable daily schedule with smooth transitions. For more other display color options, see Display Color Settings.


  • Blue Light Filter (Default: False)
      When enabled, reduces the amount of blue light emitted by your displays.
  • Blue Light Filter Strength (Default: 0.5)
      Controls the strength of the blue light filter when toggled.
  • Blue Light Filter Minimum Strength (Default: 0)
      Controls the minimum strength of the blue light filter. When you toggle the blue light filter off, it will actually still remain at this strength. Also, when dynamic mode is enabled, the blue light filter will always have at least this strength no matter what time it is. The transition to and from peak strength will smoothly move between the regular strength and the minimum strength.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Mode (Default: False)
      When enabled, the strength of the blue light filter is dynamically adjusted according to the time to have progressively less blue light towards the end of the day.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Start (Default: 18)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter begins to strengthen. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 18 would be 6pm.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Peak Start (Default: 21)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter reaches full strength. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 21 would be 9pm.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Peak End (Default: 5)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter begins to weaken. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 5 would be 5am.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic End (Default: 6)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter resets. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 6 would be 6am.
  • Blue Balance (Default: 1)
  • Blue Gamma (Default: 2.2)

Found in Menus

Display Menu (🖵⧂)

Package Availability

Toggle Blue Light Filter (🖵🌙)

Quickly toggle a blue filter for your display to reduce blue light. You can also put the blue light filter on a customizable daily schedule with smooth transitions. For more other display color options, see Display Color Settings.


  • Blue Light Filter (Default: False)
      When enabled, reduces the amount of blue light emitted by your displays.
  • Blue Light Filter Strength (Default: 0.5)
      Controls the strength of the blue light filter when toggled.
  • Blue Light Filter Minimum Strength (Default: 0)
      Controls the minimum strength of the blue light filter. When you toggle the blue light filter off, it will actually still remain at this strength. Also, when dynamic mode is enabled, the blue light filter will always have at least this strength no matter what time it is. The transition to and from peak strength will smoothly move between the regular strength and the minimum strength.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Mode (Default: False)
      When enabled, the strength of the blue light filter is dynamically adjusted according to the time to have progressively less blue light towards the end of the day.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Start (Default: 18)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter begins to strengthen. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 18 would be 6pm.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Peak Start (Default: 21)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter reaches full strength. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 21 would be 9pm.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic Peak End (Default: 5)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter begins to weaken. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 5 would be 5am.
  • Blue Light Filter Dynamic End (Default: 6)
      Time of day when the dynamic blue light filter resets. This is a number of hours since midnight, so 6 would be 6am.
  • Blue Balance (Default: 1)
  • Blue Gamma (Default: 2.2)

Found in Menus

Display Menu (🖵⧂)

Package Availability