Help (?)

Opens the help menu for the associated action or menu.


  • Go Directly to Online Documentation (Default: False)
      When enabled, help features will take you directly to online documentation instead of your local documentation files.
  • Verbosity Level (Default: 1)
      Throughout the app I have tried to include plenty of easily accessible information about each feature. I predicted that some people might feel the amount of information was excessive, so I started categorizing some the information into verbosity levels. By setting higher levels of verbosity, more of the information I wrote will appear in flyout menus. This information is also available in the documentation, so you can keep a low verbosity level for flyouts and still access the addition information relatively quickly using the "?" orbs. You will need to reopen a flyout to see changes to verbosity levels.
  • Generate Documentation Automatically (Default: True)
      Automatically generate local documentation.
  • Generate Documentation Include Favorites (Default: True)
      When generating local documentation, include personal information such as the user favorites ring.
  • Generate Documentation Include Current Tasks (Default: False)
      When generating local documentation, include currently running tasks.
  • Flyout Include Help Button (Default: True)
      If enabled, flyouts will include a quick access help button.

Found in Menus

Flyout Window Menu (…⧂)

Package Availability

Help (?)

Opens the help menu for the associated action or menu.


  • Go Directly to Online Documentation (Default: False)
      When enabled, help features will take you directly to online documentation instead of your local documentation files.
  • Verbosity Level (Default: 1)
      Throughout the app I have tried to include plenty of easily accessible information about each feature. I predicted that some people might feel the amount of information was excessive, so I started categorizing some the information into verbosity levels. By setting higher levels of verbosity, more of the information I wrote will appear in flyout menus. This information is also available in the documentation, so you can keep a low verbosity level for flyouts and still access the addition information relatively quickly using the "?" orbs. You will need to reopen a flyout to see changes to verbosity levels.
  • Generate Documentation Automatically (Default: True)
      Automatically generate local documentation.
  • Generate Documentation Include Favorites (Default: True)
      When generating local documentation, include personal information such as the user favorites ring.
  • Generate Documentation Include Current Tasks (Default: False)
      When generating local documentation, include currently running tasks.
  • Flyout Include Help Button (Default: True)
      If enabled, flyouts will include a quick access help button.

Found in Menus

Flyout Window Menu (…⧂)

Package Availability