Screen Shot Box (📷🖳🖼)

Take a desktop screenshot and clip it to a picture box.


  • When clicked, the picture box will show a menu that can quickly copy or cut the image. It can also quickly save the image to a temporary location with a unique name based on the window at the center of the image, and then open an explorer window or image editor to the file.


  • Image Window Border Thickness (Default: 1)
  • Screenshot Include Cursor (Default: False)
      If enabled, the tool will attempt to include the cursor in screenshots.

Found in Menus

Capture Menu (📷⧂)

Package Availability

Screen Shot Box (📷🖳🖼)

Take a desktop screenshot and clip it to a picture box.


  • When clicked, the picture box will show a menu that can quickly copy or cut the image. It can also quickly save the image to a temporary location with a unique name based on the window at the center of the image, and then open an explorer window or image editor to the file.


  • Image Window Border Thickness (Default: 1)
  • Screenshot Include Cursor (Default: False)
      If enabled, the tool will attempt to include the cursor in screenshots.

Found in Menus

Capture Menu (📷⧂)

Package Availability