Dynamically manage microphone loudness.
With the microphone loudness manager, you can automatically stabilize and balance the volume of your microphones in real time.
I mostly use it to keep the volume of my voice steady in voice chat when I change seating positions.
Microphone Manager Enabled
(Default: False)
When enabled, allows Microphone Manager features to operate.
Microphone Peak Loudness Preference
(Default: 0.25)
The tool will attempt to balance all microphones to this loudness preference. Live signal data is shown nearby to give you an idea of what you would want to set this at. This feature operates on a small delay. May interfere with the ability to use volume controllers outside of this program. To balance all microphones, you should aim for a value that the smallest signal microphone will still hit.
Microphone Manager Temporal Static Reduction
(Default: 1)
At values greater than 0, the microphone manager will reduce the volume of the microphone when it detects periods of silence. This reduces light background noise, static, and hiss when you are not speaking. If the value is set too high, the feature may function incorrectly and cause problems with the audio signal.
Microphone Manager Temporal Static Reduction Threshold Modifier
(Default: 1)
This setting controls which sound level is considered silence by the tool. A baseline volume is already chosen dynamically for each microphone, and this modifier multiplies the value. So, if the static reduction function is silencing your speech, you would want to lower this value, and if it is not silencing static, you would want to raise this value.
Microphone Loudness Watcher Frames Per Second
(Default: 144)
Controls how often the microphone loudness watcher checks the loudness. Higher values place more load on the system, but may offer more responsive loudness management.
Microphone Loudness Watcher Display Frames Per Second
(Default: 6)
This is the target rate for the user interface to be updated in the microphone manager.
Use Priority Microphone Process
(Default: True)
Runs audio features in a separate priority process to increase responsiveness.
Microphone Process Priority
(Default: High)
Select the desired priority for the audio process.
- Normal
- Idle
- High
- Real Time: Real Time priority processes will generally get all of the processing time they want, and if they want too much it can cause your system to become unstable.
- Below Normal
- Above Normal
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Dynamically manage microphone loudness.
With the microphone loudness manager, you can automatically stabilize and balance the volume of your microphones in real time.
I mostly use it to keep the volume of my voice steady in voice chat when I change seating positions.
Microphone Manager Enabled
(Default: False)
When enabled, allows Microphone Manager features to operate.
Microphone Peak Loudness Preference
(Default: 0.25)
The tool will attempt to balance all microphones to this loudness preference. Live signal data is shown nearby to give you an idea of what you would want to set this at. This feature operates on a small delay. May interfere with the ability to use volume controllers outside of this program. To balance all microphones, you should aim for a value that the smallest signal microphone will still hit.
Microphone Manager Temporal Static Reduction
(Default: 1)
At values greater than 0, the microphone manager will reduce the volume of the microphone when it detects periods of silence. This reduces light background noise, static, and hiss when you are not speaking. If the value is set too high, the feature may function incorrectly and cause problems with the audio signal.
Microphone Manager Temporal Static Reduction Threshold Modifier
(Default: 1)
This setting controls which sound level is considered silence by the tool. A baseline volume is already chosen dynamically for each microphone, and this modifier multiplies the value. So, if the static reduction function is silencing your speech, you would want to lower this value, and if it is not silencing static, you would want to raise this value.
Microphone Loudness Watcher Frames Per Second
(Default: 144)
Controls how often the microphone loudness watcher checks the loudness. Higher values place more load on the system, but may offer more responsive loudness management.
Microphone Loudness Watcher Display Frames Per Second
(Default: 6)
This is the target rate for the user interface to be updated in the microphone manager.
Use Priority Microphone Process
(Default: True)
Runs audio features in a separate priority process to increase responsiveness.
Microphone Process Priority
(Default: High)
Select the desired priority for the audio process.
- Normal
- Idle
- High
- Real Time: Real Time priority processes will generally get all of the processing time they want, and if they want too much it can cause your system to become unstable.
- Below Normal
- Above Normal
Found in Menus
Package Availability